First Generation

firstgenpic_01At Colorado College, the First-Generation Collegiate Program 是专为那些来自父母或监护人都没有从美国大学毕业的家庭的国内学生而设计的.S. degree-granting institution. A signature program of The Butler Center,第一代大学项目以多种方式提供支持:

  • 以第一代学生特别感兴趣的主题或问题为中心的街区午餐会议. Past topics have included: preparing for graduate school, choosing a mentor, studying abroad, and managing stress. 这些会议还为学生提供了与教师交流的机会, staff, and important campus resources.
  • 与自己是第一代学生的教职员工建立师徒关系. 导师提供个人指导,帮助第一代学生建立信心.
  • 与管家中心的员工进行一对一的咨询会议,以支持个人的学术和心理社会需求.
  • Annual events, including a social for incoming first-generation students and their families; a "pinning" ceremony for first-generation college graduates; and occasional local excursions in the wider Colorado Springs community.
  • 有特殊机会在大二高级领导力倡议(SAIL)指导计划中担任同行领导者或作为社区活动的小组成员参加.
  • 申请助学金和奖学金的机会.

Tips for Families and Supporters


第一代大学生的家庭和支持者经常想知道他们的大学生生活发生了什么. Without a similar experience of your own, the CC campus environment might seem unfamiliar, 这可能会让你很难找到一种与学生联系的方式. 这里有一些建议,可以帮助你保持联系,并显示你对学生学业目标的支持.

  • Remind your student that they belong at CC! 如果你对你的学生表现出信心,他们也会对自己更有信心. 特意提醒他们,他们已经足够优秀了,他们和其他人一样值得上大学.
  • Remember that 追求高等教育并不意味着学生们会失去他们成长过程中的价值观, but you can expect a few changes. 学生在课堂内外的经历会影响他们的社会生活, vocational, and personal choices. 当他们纠结于自己的选择和“弄清楚事情”时,你的关心和关心是很重要的. Ask questions.
  • Acknowledge the successes and the challenges.如果你的学生不知道如何面对挑战,他们就不会在CC学习. However, college is hard, and even though students take just one class per block, studying on the Block Plan can be really hard. College students are under a lot of pressure, and many consistently report feeling stressed and anxious. 任何你能做的减少或消除家庭压力的事情都可以帮助你的学生保持正轨和专注.
  • Be patient. College is a learning process for both you and your student. If you learn about campus resources, 你会更加熟悉你的学生正在经历的事情,并且可以提醒你的学生,当他们有问题向你求助时,校园里有很多资源可以提供帮助.
  • Encourage your student to build relationships and find mentors. In addition to their "home team" of family and friends, your student needs people who can listen to them, help them problem-solve, and keep them on track. 他们可以从和他们感觉舒服的人开始——宿舍的宿舍管理员或校园工作的工作人员, for instance - and then build their "CC team" from there.
  • Remember that balance is important. Studying all of the time can sometimes be counterproductive. 您的学生将通过参与俱乐部和活动来增加他们在CC的归属感,这些活动可以平衡学业压力并给他们带来快乐.
  • 要意识到你的学生可能不能像你希望的那样经常给你打电话或回家. They will have many different responsibilities, and learning to balance them will be a new experience, especially during the first year. 设定一个固定的时间和你的学生交流,这样你们就会对交流的频率有相同的期望. Plan to visit your student, if possible. Family and Friends Weekend is a great time to come to campus!

Explore Resources


Do you have a question or concern but aren't sure where to turn? Start here - we will connect you with the information you need.

The Butler Center

Worner Campus Center, 2nd Floor
(719) 389-6338
The Butler Center, named for Ellis Ulysses Butler, Jr. '40, one of Colorado College's earliest African-American alumni, serves as the hub of diversity, inclusion, intercultural exchange, equity, and empowerment for the entire Colorado College community.

Parent & Family Programs

Tutt Alumni House, 1205 N. Cascade Ave.
(719) 389-6103
赌博正规的十大网站,我们相信所有背景的学生都可以接受大学教育. 我们也知道,当一个学生有一个消息灵通的家庭支持系统时,取得成功会更容易. 我们致力于通过提供有关服务的信息来帮助您的学生, programs, 机会和促进父母有意义的参与, families, and support persons in the Colorado College community.


Accessibility Resources

Armstrong Hall, Second Floor
(719) 227-8285

  • Get support for a disability that requires accommodations/services
  • Get assistance with temporary medical conditions and injuries

Career Center

Morreale House, 1130 N. Cascade Ave.
(719) 389-6893

  • 利用职业指导来确定兴趣,决定专业,选择方向
  • Attend programs, events, and workshops that provide networking, career development, and skill-building opportunities
  • Get resume and job application assistance

Center for Global Education and Field Study

Armstrong Hall, Second Floor
(719) 227-8282

  • 了解如何在校外学习一个街区、一个学期或一年
  • Assistance and advice for international students

Office of Student Life (Dean of Students)

Armstrong Hall, First Floor
(719) 389-6689

  • Get support and help in times of crisis or distress, 或者如果你对生活环境以及它们如何影响你在CC的时间有疑问

Office of Campus Activities

Armstrong Hall, First Floor
(719) 389-6800

The Residential Experience
(719) 389-6819

  • 了解更多关于为不同文化背景的学生提供住宿社区的信息
  • 与各种各样的俱乐部、活动和特别节目联系

Office of Admission

Cutler Hall
(800) 542-7214 or (719) 389-6344

  • 和招生顾问谈谈你为什么想来CC
  • Apply for admission via CCBasecamp, the online application portal

Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment

Spencer Center, First Floor
(800) 260-6458 or (719) 389-6651

  • 获得FAFSA的帮助,并了解使科罗拉多大学教育负担得起的其他选择
  • Look at and apply for available on-campus work-study jobs

Colket Center for Academic Excellence

Charles L. Tutt Library, Second Floor
(719) 389-6726

  • 与写作中心的工作人员和同伴导师一起提高你的写作技巧
  • 从定量推理中心(QRC)获得困难数学和科学课程的帮助
  • Connect with students whose primary language is not English

Student Opportunities and Advising Hub

Located on East Campus at 1014 N. Weber Street
(719) 389-6657

Staff advisors work with students to support them:

  • with their transition to college;
  • with exploring interests, needs, and goals;
  • with pre-registration for classes; and
  • throughout their college experiences.

Support students with applying for grants, fellowships, and research opportunities with faculty members.

Health and Wellness

身心健康和幸福对学生的成功至关重要. 赌博正规的十大网站的许多校内资源共同创造了一个支持所有学生健康生活方式的校园环境.

Wellness Resource Center

Worner Campus Center, Second Floor
(719) 389-6211

Student Health Center

(operated by DaVita Medical Group)
(719) 389-6384

CC Counseling Center
(719) 389-6093

Sports and Recreation
(719) 389-6475

Outdoor Education
(719) 389-6803

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020